350 Main Street, Amesbury, MA 01913 ~ 978-388-0631
In-Person + Virtual Service Sunday at 10:00 AM EDT
On Our Events Page
"For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them".
Matthew 18: 20
Come and join us!
All are welcome here!
Assisted Listening Devices Available
News at Union Church
Lully's Art Classes Are Back!
Starting in January on Tuesday mornings
Lully will hold classes
From 9:00 AM till Noon!
We are please to welcome the
Playwright's Collaborative
to our Church
Phil & Kathy Berman
on their
50th, Wedding Anniversary!
The Union Congregational Church is proud to announce.
That on May 21, 2023 at 3:00 P.M. our Church with the support and participation of Reverends of the Massachusetts and New Hampshire Associations of Congregational Christian Churches, did Ordain and Install Scott G. Chase as our settled Pastor!
The service was opened by the reading of a letter of support from the National Association of Congregational Churches' Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Ashley Cleere and read by their representative, Mrs. Julie Robie the NACCC's Missions Administrator. The Rev. Dr, John Tamilio III, Moderator of the MACCC lead the service with several other local MACCC & NHCCC Ministers taking part. Representatives from the Amesbury Council of Churches were also in attendance. The service was followed by a catered dinner served in our church hall.
Pictures of the event as well as a video recording of the service are available for viewing on our events webpage.
Love, Peace, and Blessing,
Deacon Bob Labadini
Union Congregational Church Moderator