Welcome to Union Congregational Church!
Perhaps you are new to the area and looking for a church home, or maybe you haven’t walked through the doors of a church in a long time and you are wondering what you might find! Whatever brings you here, we hope you will take time to learn a little about us and join us for service in person or online.
As a Congregational-Christian church, we are committed to sharing the Good News of God’s love for everyone through the teaching of Jesus Christ and its power to change lives. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you’re welcome with us! Freedom of conscience and a personal relationship with God are important parts of our tradition, so you won’t be told what to think or say or believe to be part of our community. As part of our core beliefs, we affirm the dignity, liberty and equality before God of all persons regardless of age, disability, nationality, race, gender or sexual orientation.​
We are, and have always been, a small New England church, and our worship reflects this. You won't find rock instruments, lighting effects or projector screens! On Sunday mornings we gather at 10:00 AM for a traditional service: singing hymns, reading and responding to God’s word and praying for one another. A time for sharing personal joys and concerns is an important part of every service. On the first Sunday of each month, we share together in the Lord’s Supper, sometimes called communion or the Eucharist. Everyone, without exception, is welcome at our table. (The wine is non-alcoholic, by the way!)
Planning Your Visit
What should I wear or bring? Wear whatever makes you comfortable; our community does not ‘dress up’ for church, though you’re welcome to if you like. You can bring a bible if you wish, but we also have them in every pew.
Where do I park and enter? Parking is at the rear of the church. There are also a few spaces across Main Street at Alliance Park. Feel free to come in through any open door, either the hall door on the back of the church or one of the two meetinghouse doors on Main Street. Our meetinghouse (sanctuary) and our social hall are wheelchair accessible.
How do I know what’s going on during the service? When you enter church, greeters will welcome you and hand you a bulletin, which lists the order of worship for that service. It contains the text of the prayers, and lists the numbers for the hymns we will be singing. We also use hymnals in the pew racks as part of the service.
Fellowship – After church, you are invited to join us in the social hall for fellowship time and refreshments. This is a good time to meet members of the congregation, ask questions, and have a hot or cold beverage and a snack.
For Prayers, Questions or More Information
Do you have a prayer request, a question or want to schedule a conversation with Re.v. Scott or one of the deacons? Call or email us!
(978) 388-0631